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#086 Bayraktar TB2

Building the Clear Prop! 1:48 representation of the now iconic Bayraktar TB2 as used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.



The Bayraktar TB2 is a medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE) unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) capable of remotely controlled or autonomous flight operations. It is manufactured by the Turkish company Baykar Makina Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., primarily for the Turkish Armed Forces.

It’s use by Ukraine since 2019 has now made it one of the most widely recognised military drones.


The Kit

The Bayraktar TB2 from Clear Prop! was one of the first models of this now iconic bit of kit; probably the first with a full Ukrainian decal sheet and all the PE and resin one needs to pimp up the detail.

ClearProp are yet another Ukrainian manufacturer that covers a range of classic and obscure subjects, from the Gloster Pioneer to their latest Flogger-G. I think I was finally inspired to order a few of their kits when I saw Brett Green’s beautiful H72N Hawk build in Models for Ukraine Vol 1 published by @chris.meddings.

Paint Scheme

Feature Color Recommended Paint Used
A body Grey C325 H325
B prop blades Dark Grey C31 H82
C prop hub Gloss White C1 H1
D Gloss Black C2 H2
E Polished Steel C28 H18
F Burnt Iron C61 H76
G undercarriage Silver C8 H8
H Tire Black C137  
I munitions IJN Gray C35 H61

Build Log

build01a build01b build01c build01d build01e

build02a build02b build02c build02d build02e

Now I’ve done fiddling with the build, I’m planning a better display. For now it looks pretty good, poised for take-off from a @proper.plane mouse pad;-)

build03a build03b build03c build03d build03e build03f

“very mixed media”: acrylic on canvas and a 1:48 Bayraktar TB2 from @clearpropmodels

an experimental presentation🤔

build04a build04b build04c

Credits and References

About #86 scale modelsCraft

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